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by Clara robert (2019-03-06)

Firstly most dermatologists have neverWartrol Review really explored the real cause of acne. They are only familiar with the symptoms, which is why they set to prescribe medications that only treat those symptoms irritation, pimples, etc. superficially.Secondly, I am sure you know by now that most dermatologists work together with pharmaceutical or drug companies, which do not actively look for permanent cures for acne, partly because they make tremendous amounts of money by making consumers dependent upon a treatment (keep in mind that some treatments actually work at first, but then acne returns and usually with a grudge... So you have to buy more medications to the companies' expectations). What I'm trying to say is that if we keep on ignoring the internal causes of acne, without curing it from the source, we can never achieve a lasting result. We may find temporary relief, but the acne will come back again eventually, unless we eliminate the real cause from within.Usually, acne and other conditions alike are an indication that there is something wrong inside of your body and needs to be corrected. And if you are an acne sufferer, there are TWO things that you can doYou can ignore the signs. But if you do, you can only expect things to go even worse. Sometimes, when acne is not treated properly it tends to get more intense. In addition, since acne is often associated with hormonal imbalance, you might start having other hormone-related symptoms as well.Learn to listen to your body, and fix the internal causes of your acne. This will help you defeat acne and achieve great, beautiful and healthy skin; and will also give your body the ability to have a proper balance, which in turn will prevent the excess toxic substances from causing more acne.