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The Red Tea Detox

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-02-22)

We humans are emotional beings. The Red Tea Detox Review vOur nature causes us to act on how we feel and the circumstances that surround us much of the time. Hard day at work? I don't feel like going to the gym. Kids driving you nuts? That pint of ice cream is sure to make me feel better. How about this? You have been working hard in the gym, not missed a training day in 3 or 4 months. Your nutrition is on track, and yet you still can't get rid of that last 10 pounds. You are not seeing the results you want as fast as you want. What do you do? Circumstances like this can sap our motivation, no question about it. But are you determined to reach your goals, to do what is necessary to reach them, or do you give up, because it's just "not working"? The battle we are waging is largely in our minds. No one lives in a perfect bubble, immune from the pressures of the outside world. We all deal with less than ideal circumstances, it is only a matter of degrees. For years I made excuses why I was obese and unhealthy. For years I was "motivated" to do something about it, only to lose my motivation a few months later. Fear of failure, fear of ridicule, even fear of success can cause us to lose our will to keep going when things get hard. As a trainer, when a prospective client wants to hire me to "motivate" them, I know we are in for a hard battle. You see I don't believe I can motivate anyone. I can guide you and inspire you, but motivation is personal and transient; it comes and goes. The best way I know to overcome these peaks and valleys is to formulate a plan, the "fixed purpose" that defines determination. Do you have such a plan, the purpose that drives you on in spite of what is going on around you? Do you know what you are going to do today that will help get to where you want to be? Do you know what you are going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year? Taking a step back, do you even know what the end result will be? Have you fixed a picture in your mind of what you want to look like, feel like, or perform like? If not, now is the time.