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by gold stone (2019-02-09)

What remains when STRIKEPEN BLACK Review the world as we know it ceases to exist? If you are not nuked out or die of a common disease due to the lack of medicinal help, if you survive it all, which skills do you have to survive? How will you organize food, water, clothes, shelter and protection for your loved ones? Knowing how to survive not only means being resourceful and inventive it also means being able to rebuild society with other survivors. Thinking of a future without infrastructure, medical help, entertainment media, internet etc. and all those things we take for granted today I came up with a list of skills that will give you a good advantage to live on after 2012, WWIII, Apocalypse or whatever else will come. However, these skills are useful once you survived disaster. Surviving the disaster itself is far trickier. It's hard to prepare for something if we don't know what we will encounter. It could be natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes or social unrest and terrorist attacks. Or real apocalyptic events like a mega solar storm as predicted for 2012 or the Yellowstone Caldera blowing up. Nobody alive ever experienced things like that so nobody can say for sure what will happen and how humanity will be affected. Doing some research I came across David Campbell's survival guide: Survive Anything. It gives you clear instructions how to survive anything, with a food prep list, how to protect yourself and your family and in my opinion most important of all: he teaches you how to get into the right mindset to survive.The term "Stockdale paradox" refers to the ability to hold two opposite attitudes--certainty of surviving and brutal awareness of factual reality--in juxtaposition so as to be able to survive experiences that would--and do--kill or destroy most people. It was coined by Jim Collins in his influential business book GOOD TO GREAT, an analysis of 21 companies and why and how they did or did not make the transition into greatness, to describe the US Navy Vice Admiral who was imprisoned in Vietnam and how he survived that ordeal. He states the first principle and then contrasts it with the attitude of optimists, who ultimately lost hope and died, because rescue did not come when they believed it would, he contrasted that with the opposite:"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end-which you can never afford to lose-with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be."This "philosophy of duality," the ability to successfully hold these opposite mental positions in tension, is crucial for maintaining even a chance of survival in times of extreme stress and duress such as in disasters and severe accidents.