Reader Comments

Power of Personal Achievement

by gold stone (2019-02-06)

Reflect on the Power of Personal Achievement Review person or people you are going to instruct and determine the right pace and level for their existing knowledge, experience and intellectual ability. Don't fall into the trap of some further-education teachers who confuse lack of knowledge with lack of intelligence and instruct everyone in words of one syllable - the 'trainee' may have a higher IQ than you. On the other hand, don't talk over people's heads to show how well you know the subject - concentrate instead on showing how well you can instruct! Bone up on the job or the subject matter being taught, especially if it is some time since you have been concerned with it. Prepare the session carefully; don't take your experience and knowledge for granted. Your subordinates will learn better from a logical sequence, not just how things come to you at a time. Be clear on exactly what the recipients need to know or be able to do and to what standard, and how you and they are going to measure it, and know when they have got there. Check out the time and place for instruction. Is it next door to machines, canteen or other places likely to be noisy at the time you want to use it? Are you going to be interrupted by telephones, tea trolleys, or the MD looking for a quiet smoke? Set aside sufficient time - not just for your bit, but to allow subordinates to ask questions or practice under your supervision. Adults under instruction are usually nervous because of fear of failure, and anxiety about the unknown. Reduce uncertainty as early as possible by outlining what you and they are going to do. The old army Instructor's motto is useful to remember: 'Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; then tell them what you told them' Check understanding frequently by asking questions, or getting them to demonstrate on equipment. Allow plenty of opportunities for their questions, preferably as you go along rather than at the end - if you are sufficiently well prepared this should not disturb your planned sequence of instruction. Above all, be patient.