Reader Comments

Super Nutra Nutrional Supplement

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-02-04)

Good Carbs: The best carbs are fibrous, dark, and Super Nutra Nutrional Supplement Review have very little sugar. Oatmeal, dark breads like pumpernickel, fruit eaten with the skin like green apples, and beans are all great carbs to eat while trying to lose weight. Why specifically these types of carbs? Because fiber slows digestion of the food, reducing the spike in your blood sugar and insulin-which, as you know, maintains fat-burning efficiency. Plus slow-digesting food keeps you less hungry and provides sustained energy through the day. Bad Carbs: Remember, define "bad" carbs as carbs that hinder your ability to lose weight. I advise my clients to stay away from anything with moderate amounts of sugar or foods with a high glycemic index. If you have reached your weight-loss goal and are on a maintenance diet, occasionally eating these foods is okay. Examples include white bread, potatoes without skin, and highly processed cereals. These carbs have little fiber and some sugar. Meaning you'll digest them quickly and wreak havoc on your blood sugar and insulin levels. The second chakra is also represented in the yin and the yang. There must be balance between the polarities. In the body this balance is called homeostasis, the relative constancy of the internal environment of the body. Water helps to maintain homeostasis through temperature control by sweat and blood circulation. Water is also is constantly balancing ph and electrolytes, which will be discussed in more detail later. Lipids also play an important role in temperature moderation. Tryglycerides, another kind of lipid, form the fats and oils of the body. Fat cells or adipose cells form a layer under the dermis called the subcutaneous layer, which insulates the body. Tryglycerides can be saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. This refers to the length of the carbon chain in a fatty acid and the type and placement of the bonds between the carbon atoms. Saturated fat is solid at room temperature and unsaturated and polysaturated fat is liquid at room temperature. Through the digestive process Tryglycerides are churned into smaller particles in the stomach and then, along with the phospholipids, are emulsified by the bile and absorbed into the small intestine. Once in the intestinal cells the emulsified lipids reconfigure themselves into phospholipids and tryglycerides. They move through the lymph system and enter the blood stream to be available for immediate use or storage. The third type of lipid is sterols. Cholesterol is a kind of sterol that can be absorbed from many animal products and is also produced in the liver from protein, carbohydrates and fat. Cholesterol serves as a structural component to cell membranes and is the starting material for cortisol and the testosterone synthesis. LDL Cholesterol is found with many saturated fats. This type of cholesterol contributes to heart disease. Most sterols can be absorbed by the small intestine with out being broken apart or emulsified. Once in the blood stream LDL cholesterol can accumulate in the arteries causing obstruction of blood flow and eventually heart disease.