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Apex Mastermind Brain

by gold stone (2019-02-01)

Earlier work has Apex Mastermind Brain Review shown that processes that improve memory go on while we sleep, but this is the first study to look at what happens during times of so-called wakeful rest."Taking a coffee break after class can actually help you retain that information you just learned," explains researcher Lila Davachi, PhD, assistant professor of psychology at the Center for Neural Science at New York University. "Your brain wants you to tune out other tasks so you can tune in to what you just learned."For the project, 16 adults, aged 22 to 34, were shown pairs of images (a human face and an object, or a human face and a scene) and told to associate the object with the person in the picture, but not told they'd be tested on this later on.This learning period was followed by a time of wakeful rest (about 8 minutes) where the subjects were told only to relax and think about whatever they liked. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to measure the brain activity before, during and after the testing.The researchers found that the activity between the hippocampus and neocortex - two areas of the brain known to be involved in memory and processing - increased as the subjects were shown the images and during the resting phase as well.The subjects who had the greatest increases in activity between the two brain areas while resting and looking at the images did better on associative memory tests than those who had weaker reactions.It seems the greater the activity in the two regions of the brain, the stronger the memory."Your brain is working for you when you're resting, so rest is important for memory and cognitive function," Davachi says. "This is something we don't appreciate much, especially when today's information technologies keep us working around the clock."So, could taking a short break and letting the brain relax when studying for an exam or getting ready for a business presentation be a better way to learn and memorize?Remember when you were young and you were told stories that left you wide eyed and excited.How many of those stories can you remember? I'll bet youcan only remember the "sensational stories". The stories where something exciting or unusual happened. Stories like these tend to embed themselves in your memory. Therein lies an important lesson in memory training. If you want to remember something try and associate it with something unusual or funny.As an example cast your mind back to the 11th September 2001. Can you remember what happened? All of the USA can. Why do they remember? Because it was tragic and affected almost every US citizen. I mention this example because that is how our brain works. If something is funny, tragic or just plain curious it sticks in the mind.