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1 Week Diet

by Clara robert (2019-01-24)

Health magazines are filled1 Week Diet Review with tips relating to weight loss. Some work, some do not. What you generally find is that those that do not work relate to things like fad diets and weight loss supplements and pills. More than often those that do work are the simple things that are to do with types of food to eat or avoid and different types of exercise or routine.The weight loss industry has always been home to ridiculous claims and promises, made to create a market where a new product or plan can find buyers. This article aims to dispel certain weight loss myths and misleading weight loss information that you may have heard at one time or another.Targeted fat loss, also known as Spot Reduction It is often claimed that you can target bodily areas that are deemed problem areas for weight loss, your hips, your tummy or your thighs. This is complete nonsense; tummy tucks and leg lifts do not target the fat cells concentrated around your midriff, instead they are more likely to reduce muscle mass that resides under the abdomen. A better option is to concentrate on an exercise routine that works all areas of your body and combine it with a healthy, negative calorie food diet, that will build lean muscle mass and increase your metabolic rate, therefore burning body fat.