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by gold stone (2019-01-05)

Learning how to Lunexia Review stop snoring at night is easy once you understand what causes snoring. Trying to fix the problem without knowing more about it will only leave you feeling tired and even more frustrated. Use the following information on causes to help you find the best solution.Snoring is actually the sound being made from the tissues in your airway passage as they vibrate when the air you breathe must pass a blockage in your nose, mouth, or throat. This blockage does not have to be physically obvious to cause snoring and you may be unaware you even have a problem until a spouse or sleeping partner mentions it to you.Sleeping in certain positions can put unnecessary pressure on your airway passage causing it to become restricted and resulting in snoring. If you are overweight and sleep on your back using a regular pillow, your chin may be compressing the skin on your neck and closing down on your airway. Sleeping curled up on your side with your chin tucked down to your neck can also compress your airway.Sometimes physical changes in the muscles and tissue that make up our airway become enlarged or relaxed and start to intrude on our airway when we lay down at night. These causes can include: narrow throat, enlarged adenoids, enlarged tonsils, weak soft palate, elongated uvula, deviated septum, being overweight, loss of muscle tone, or an enlarged tongue base.Snoring can be a symptom of another health condition like allergies, asthma, cold, sinus infection or sleep apnea. While the latter is a more serious condition requiring the assistance of a doctor and potentially a CPAP machine for constant airflow at night, the others generally cause congestion and a stuffed nose which makes it more difficult for you to breath normally while sleeping.Smokers often snore as a result of chronic congestion and drinking alcohol before bed can make the muscles in your airway relax to the point of impacting your breathing.Any medications that cause your muscles to relax, such as sleeping pills, can cause you to snore. If you are on any medication and have started snoring, you should check with your doctor to see if the prescription could be the reason you have started to snore at night.As you can see, the causes cover a broad range of physical and health related issues. Obviously, there is no single cure that addresses all of these possible causes. To know how to stop snoring at night, you need to figure out exactly why YOU snore and then find the best solution for that specific problem. Plucking any old solution off the shelf and hoping it will cure your snoring will just prolong your problem.Dr. Bert Jacobson, a professor and the head of the School of Educational Studies at Oklahoma State University said, "Sleep deprivation impacts us physically, which can negatively affect our coordination, agility, mood and energy. Research shows that sleeping better and longer leads to improvements in athletic performance, including faster sprint time, better endurance, lower heart rate and even improved mood and higher levels of energy during a workout."