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Lottery Winner University

by princy william (2019-01-02)

Straight or Boxed:You may Lottery Winner University Review play pick 3 lottery in two different ways. You may play straight or boxed. When you play straight, you pick a winning number, and if the draw gets the same with the exact match, you win. When you play boxed, you pick a winning number, and if the draw gets the same numbers in any order, you win. But if you don't trust your luck on that day but still want to bet, you may leave the picking to the lottery's computer. Do a "Quick Pik" and the computer chooses the number for you. No blaming it, though, if you lose. It is inanimate.Strategies and Tips:Pick 3 is a game of chance. No matter how you look at win, playing it is gambling. But in probably all gambling games, there is a way for you to win without leaving it all to chance or luck. It is not cheating or defeating the system. Rather, it is thinking. It is using Mathematics. They say Math is the universal language. Apparently, this proves true even when playing pick 3.