Reader Comments

Ring Ease

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-03-05)

The completely in the ear models Ring Ease Review cause irritation in the ear canal with some people and sometimes that stopped up feeling. The behind the ear type uses the small light weight ear mold that is much more comfortable. Many find that it is less irritating that the other type. Commercial hearing aids made their appearance on the scene by the late eighteen hundreds. But the BTE type did not make an appearance until about 50 years ago. Early on hearing devises were big and bulky and carried on the body. They were heavy and very costly due to the batteries that did not last very long. By 1952 with invention of the transistor the power requirement dropped significantly and the size became more manageable. This started the introduction of the behind the ear type and correction of hearing problems became more of a reality for many. By the early 60s technologies improved to the point of dropping the use of body worn devise to less than 20%. The next big jump in technology came in the early 70s. Hearing aids became programmable making them work much better for many different listening situations. In the next 20 or so years developments and technology improvements have advanced the hearing aid to very realistic hearing correction devises. Though it may seem a little absurd, one of the very first things that need to be done is to simply accept what is happening to you, period. Acceptance is going to get you results in this game, not denial. Yet many people go into prolonged denial about their hearing loss, allowing it to become more serious and furthermore allowing it to create a lot of stress in that person's life-none of which you want to have happen in your case. Sure, this is an unfortunate turn of events but it is not something that can't be dealt with, so don't allow it to balloon into more than it should be. If you can come to terms with the situation then you will be able to find the will to make a change and come out on top.