Reader Comments

Zeta White

by Clara robert (2019-01-30)

When looking for a scar removal scream Zeta White Review you should be able to find one that not only reduces your scar but is also safe for you. The most commonly used creams are those that contain Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, cocoa butter, lime juice extracts, and other synthetic creams which may or may not improve the condition of the scar. As to whether they are truly effective in making your scar vanish is another question. There is no evidence to prove that any of these components are beneficial in diminishing scars although many half truths and myths have made them a popular base for scar removal creams.There however is one proven treatment for the removal of scars that has proved to be very effective. Many clinical studies and research have been done on the efficacy of silicone gels and creams which have proved to be significantly better than most other products in diminishing the scar and improving the appearance. Use of silicone in the treatment of scars is being recommended by medical professionals because of its water poof barrier which helps protect the wound and also quicken the process by retaining moisture from healthy skin that surround the scar. Today, silicone sheets are used by even plastic surgeons and dermatologists to cure burn scars and other type of scars. Early treatment however is recommended although silicone is said to work even on old scars.