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by gold stone (2019-01-24)

We know that Blackwolf Review muscles get bigger and stronger when put under stress, which is called adaption. Which simply means that the muscle is preparing itself in case it's put under the same type of stress again. An analogy is calluses on your hand, if you rub your hand on a course surface causing enough friction eventually the skin adapts by building up calluses, thus protecting it self from future happenings. Muscle reacts much the same way, if you train them or put them under enough stress they will adapt to this stress by growing bigger and stronger. So the next time you train them they will be capable of handling this new level of stress. Now obviously that is a very basic explanation, but hang on to your dumbbells we'll get more in depth!Inside a muscle there are groups of motor units separated by membranes. Each motor unit consists of a single neuron and all of the muscle fibers it stimulates. In muscles such as the hand where fine motor control is necessary the ratio of nerves to fibers will be much higher than that of a muscle such as the calf. Muscle fiber consists of myofibrils, a myofibril is a small bundle of myofilaments. Myofilaments are mainly comprised of two types of proteins called actin and myosin. The myofilament is the part of the muscle that actually shortens upon contraction where the actin and myosin filaments slide over each other, which is called the sliding filament theory. Basically by the way of chemical bonds and receptor sites located on the myofilaments the actin and myosin attract each other thereby causing a contraction. A contraction can be held until fatigue sets in, and the strength of a contraction is determined by the number of motor units that are recruited. Inevitably, the more force that is necessary for muscle contraction requires an increased number of motor units to allow the muscle to contract.Within skeletal muscle there are three types of muscle fibers: Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb. Everyone has their own unique distribution of these fibers, some people are predominately Type I, and some Type IIa, however the "average person" has an even amount of red and white fiber. Type I muscle fiber often referred to as slow-twitch or red fiber and is highly resistant to fatigue and has a high oxidative capacity, This muscle fiber is responsible for aerobic exercises and activities, such as running. Type IIa muscle fiber often referred to as fast-twitch or white fiber is an intermediate fiber and they're larger in size and much stronger than Type I fibers. Type IIb muscle fiber, which are also fast twitch & white fiber, are capable of producing more force than Type IIa, but they're low in oxidative capacity, and fatigue very quickly. Fast twitch fibers have thicker nerves that give them an increased contractile impulse, which is measured by the number of twitches per second, hence the name fast twitch fiber. Slow twitch fibers have smaller nerves, thereby twitch much slower, however they have a higher number of mitochondria, which increases their oxidative capacity. Mitochondria are the cells in a muscle that synthesize ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), often referred to as the cell's "powerhouse".