Reader Comments

Cannabliss Labs Pure Hemp Extract

by isbella isla (2019-01-14)

Foreign grown produce is often times grown in areas where sewer Cannabliss Labs Pure Hemp Extract treatment plants are few and often times the food crops are watered with contaminated fecal sewer water, thus making the person who ingests the produce sick with zoonotic infections like respiratory illness, flu like symptoms and asthma,allergies etc.. Our winter time produce crop was grown primarily in greenhouse environments until the "cloning " scare got press coverage etc. and our winter time produce crops started being grown in foreign countries etc. where sewer treatment plants are few is non-existent. Gradually some of our frozen food crops and summer and spring produce crops are being grown outside the united states also,increasing the number of zoonotic infections in the united states to all time highs and creating a "malaise" over our society in general.Rising our health care bills and lost work time. I personally did not feel right or healthy until I did in fact put one tablespoon of real clove powder in a bowl of hot cereal and expectorated a softball size etc., and stopped putting fecal contaminated food crops in my body, especially foreign grown juice and banana's. The clove powder is spicy hot but worth it!! --Stay by a bathroom!! . Our garden areas are also a source of zoonotic fecal contamination with the cat doo and dogs using the garden areas or soil. Contaminated water in garden areas are also a factor etc along with rodents eating dog food and using the garden soil etc. Rule 1--If you don't know how the food is grown-don't eat it!!! Make sure your garden areas don't have access to pets or cat doo--having a dog go under a lemon tree is a trip to the hospital with respiratory arrest after eating the lemons.