Reader Comments

Tinnitus 911

by princy william (2019-01-08)

The tiny inner ear Tinnitus 911 Review does all of that work, all of the time, whether we're thinking about it or not. We depend upon our sense of balance, and the vestibular system is gathering all of that information provided by the inner ear, and passes it on to the brain. In turn, the brain interprets the data and makes sense of it all, sorting out all of the competing signals, and sending out its own information to the muscles, to keep us in balance at all times.When balance and tinnitus both become problematic together, it's often an indicator of Meniere's Disease, which accounts for nearly one percent of all tinnitus cases. However, much more common is another tinnitus issue that develops in the inner ear, namely noise-induced damage to the tiny hair receptor cells in the cochlea, and noise damage or acoustic trauma accounts for 80-85% of all tinnitus cases. Except for freak accidental exposures to excessively loud noise, noise damage is mostly preventable by avoidance of loud sounds or by using ear muffs or ear plugs to protect your ears.