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by Ssregina Regina (2019-02-12)

Usually hair transplant grafts cost in the neighborhood Profolan Review of $3 to $7 for each unit. This is the price variable which is negotiable at this time. By reducing the per graft charge you can make a dramatic difference in the total cost of the procedure. Lets say you need 1000 individual follicular units transplanted from the donation site to the balding area. Even decreasing this per unit charge by $1 will save you a thousand bucks. That's not too shabby. During the last two decades the number of hair transplantation procedures have skyrocketed as more and more people come to the realization that this the only method for treating hair loss that is worth considering. You get a natural look because it is your own hair that is used which means you have a perfect match for color and texture with the hair surrounding the site. Also, once the hair restoration procedure is performed, you no longer have to worry about taking drugs or applying solutions to keep it growing. You can enjoy a full head of hair again for years to come. If you are looking to get hair growing again then visit a few hair restoration clinics for a free consultation. Most are offering discounts now because they are in business to make money and if they have no patients they have no revenue. Once you receive an estimate for the cost of the transplants negotiate them down another 10% or 20%. If the clinic won't budge on the price then tell them thanks and go to the next one. Now is the time to get this Cadillac procedure done at a price you can live with. I have to tell you guys, the effects that has thin hair has on guys and girls makes me sick to my stomach! Why not do something about it I ask? Well from my experience, people don't really know that you can grow hair faster, stronger and longer without too much expense and fuss! Within this brief article, I will be running through a few pointers, picked up over the years, which will help you on your way. I think my main message would be though, if you want results, you need to take action!