Reader Comments

Manifestation Magic

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-30)

The student interviewer shared with me Manifestation Magic Review the pressure University students feel to strive for high grades and fill up their resumes with extracurricular activities in order to look attractive to potential employers upon graduation. That, and the reality that most students graduate with the weight of student loans on their shoulders, and the better, higher paying employment they can secure upon graduation, the sooner they can get out from under that debt. It became clear to me that these students are merely playing with the cards they've been dealt. It's a bigger game that they're a part of. A game that is all about competition. I think many students may feel extreme pressure to succeed, just so they can stay in the game. After all, jobs are hard to come by these days. And while a college degree doesn't guarantee a good job, it certainly helps. I wonder how much of today's student's drive is motivated by their own desire to be successful and make a lot of money and how much of it is driven by the reality of the world into which they were born. Almost a survival of the fittest if you will. This realization made me sad. I'm at a point in my life where I'm fortunate enough to have worked many years and built my life up to a degree that I do have some flexibility. If I no longer choose to play the game by the rules that have been created, I can choose not to. I have money in the bank. I have a husband with a good job. I can afford to take a sabbatical and stand on my principles while I am exploring the next stage of my career. I have skills and experience that I can use to make a living. I do NOT have looming student loans hanging over my head that dictate I must quickly find a good job in order to repay them.