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Revive Her Drive

by gold stone (2019-05-25)

When I went away and left my Revive Her Drive partner and the kids, I just wanted to think. I just wanted to seek help. There were a lot of people that I went to - friends, relatives and professionals - and they have different opinions and suggestions. However, it was when I went and talk to some church officials I have known for years that I had some enlightenment. They told me to let God restore my marriage and that my spouse and I should do our parts as well. They reminded me that God should always be at the core of our relationship and by doing so; we can overcome greater obstacles including this one.So I decided to give our relationship and our family a second chance. I decided to restore my marriage with the help of my deep faith in God. My partner and I talked things out. I shared what I have realized and what I thought both of us should do to contribute to the rebuilding of our broken marriage. We exchanged opinions, feelings and thoughts but we eventually came to an agreement and that is to save our marriage for the sake of the whole family, more importantly for the sake of our children.I have shared to you this experience of mine so that people out there who are on that same situation where I was before should know and realize that they can keep their marriage going if they seek God's help and guidance. They should at least try to think: I have to let God restore my marriage for the sake of my kids. This worked for several couples and strengthened their relationship. However, I am also aware that not everyone are as religious as others. Nevertheless, one should at least think very carefully before putting an end to his/her marriage especially if there are kids involved.For some people marriage is about bonding together and building a life together. Many times though, rushing into a marriage can damage a friendship, or harm the chances of a relationship growing. Not everyone is cut out for it either. Here are a few things to look at and decide if marriage is right for you. There are of course other circumstances to consider, but these basics will help guide you in the right direction.More than anything, you need to determine if this is really the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. All their habits aren't going to change. The person they are when you meet them is basically who they are going to be when you are married. Divorces are expensive, sometimes more expensive than a wedding, decide if this person is absolutely what you want, or if you just want to be married.