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Erase My Back Pain

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-22)

After a relaxing Erase My Back Pain evening in Ellora it was time to hit the road again. And guess what happened. Rickshaw problems. STCF couldn't get into 4th gear again and eventually couldn't get into any gear. So we pulled over in a town and started messing around with mechanics again. We spent nearly the entire day at the mechanics. We got passed around from shop to shop until someone rebuilt the gearbox again. Once it was fixed we tried to push even further to make up time, but again, our lights weren't working. We realized that each day we replaced the bulb and each day it burnt out. This was because the Indian mechanics continued to connect it to our alternator instead of the battery that isn't connected to anything. As we sped up, our light got brighter and then burst. So we had to pull over for the night and found a nice clean hotel in Ahmednagar where we ate and slept.In the morning, after a few stops for masala chai tea we started to push on even further. The scenery became lusher and we started to see more bull-pulled sugar cane carts. The views became more mountainous and the police stops became more frequent. The police were usually annoyed that we had all of the proper documentation and, therefore, let us go, or they were overcome by lethargy as we blew passed them and disregarded their signals to stop. That night we settled into a hotel in Kolhapur and were ready for the next mornings push to Goa.