Reader Comments

Erase My Back Pain

by gold stone (2019-05-21)

Pain is NOT your problem! It is Erase My Back Pain the title of this article and it is the fundamental answer to the confusion and frustration regarding the pandemic of chronic pain in this country. Pain is NOT the problem. Pain is a symptom and an invaluable protective mechanism built within your body to prevent further damage from occurring. Pain makes up a small percentage of the nervous system, roughly 10%. The other functions of the nervous system work silently and thanklessly. Pain is a warning to listen up because the health of the body is threatened. Because of the societal demand for productivity, we are trained to ignore pain, or to numb it so that we can continue to press forward. Our mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers, coaches, and big pharmacy have always taught us to "shake it off, don't worry about it, walk it off, don't rub it, be tough," etc...We were LIED to! What if we were taught to be sensory acute to every little ache and pain and to question where they came from? Do aches and pains occur out of the blue sky? No way! They only seem to for an externally driven person. The externally driven person is always the victim. They blame circumstances, bad luck, bad germs and bad genes on the state of their health. Aches and pains are an expression of what is going on inside the body. They are progressive sirens that beep louder and louder the longer you ignore the primary cause of the alarm. If we were trained to appreciate and value pain from an early age, we wouldn't get to the point of chronic pain. By living internally and being self-motivated, we would now comprehend that everything we get in life is an outcome of our effort and investment. Good or bad!If you are a person suffering from chronic and "unexplainable" pain, I would bet you have been poorly educated in regards to diet, proper exercise and the impact that emotional stress has on your body. You have almost certainly made a small investment and effort in accepting responsibility for your health. Most likely you live externally and have never recognized the root of your problems because nobody told you! I am telling you to start challenging yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make dramatic changes because you deserve to express life optimally just like your friends and family who do not suffer like you do.Your pain is the wake-up call demanding that you change your life and take control. As you work to isolate the "why," you will be forced to change your environment and your behavior. In doing so, your understanding of health will expand and it will never be able to contract to its original size. You cannot un-ring a bell! You become a stronger and more internally driven person the more you choose to embrace the process. This creates knowledge. Knowledge plus experience equals personal power!