Reader Comments

Memory Hack

by princy william (2019-05-17)

The first method was using the Memory Hack Tibetan and Crystal Bowls in accord with the chakras. The bowls relieve anxiety and stress. We know that many people with ADHD can have a dual diagnosis with anxiety. When people learn to play the bowls, they can calm their mind/body connection. Once they induce a relative calm, they are able to be coached. They can pay attention to what needs to be accomplished in life. The bowls seem to affect the solar plexus chakra where anxiety is generally located in the body. The second method involves knowing energy technology. Instead of using electrodes and electronic games, I developed a way to clear out the "cobwebs" in a person's brain. Some people call it "brain brightening." I think of it as a method to clear out the gunk that accumulates in the areas of focus and attention. Some of the problem is chemical, some electrical and some perceptual. Studies tell us that the 3 leading preventable causes of death to North American's are smoking, obesity and alcohol use and the related illness that result i.e. cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer etc. Today's economic climate has kept many people in Survival mode which is the stress response of fight or flight. Fear based stress will result in the activation of 1400 known physical and chemical responses in the body releasing stress hormones, increasing blood sugar etc, and if your mind/body believes it's at war, it will store fat as a protective response to stress and the fear of possible starvation. It's no wonder people have a difficult time losing and keeping off weight if they haven't addressed their stress properly! The question I ask folks is "How long can you run your car at 10,000 RPM... before something breaks down". Research tells us that 75-90% of visits to primary care physician's results from stress related disorders. That's right, up to 9 out of 10 times that you or your loved one go to the doctor, is due to a stress related illness. I'm not stating all this to be doom and gloom. I'm stating it to highlight the need for mindfulness and self care, especially during the current economic climate with layoffs, credit crunch, foreclosures etc. Often the more stress and lack of control people feel toward their circumstances, the more they tend to resort to self-soothing, often in destructive ways by grabbing the pack of cigarettes, the tub of ice cream, hitting the bottle etc. Short term gain, long term pain as this form of "self-medicating" will ultimately make things worse, more stressful and more out of control.