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Melaluna Sleep Aid

by princy william (2019-05-17)

If you are wondering which Melaluna Sleep Aid CPAP mask to use and you would like to know what the differences are, let me help you clarify. Basically there are three (3) categories of CPAP masks. There are full face masks, nasal masks and nasal pillow systems. Let's discuss each category in more detail. The first category is a full face mask. A full face mask will cover both your nose and your mouth. This type of mask is usually the best preference for someone who is a mouth breather. Some individuals prefer a full face mask just because it makes them feel more secure. The cushion on a full face mask will fit around the bridge of your nose and then come down and around your mouth and sealing either at the mid chin or around the chin. The thickness of the cushion will vary based off the manufacturer and style of mask. The second category is the nasal mask. A nasal mask will cover just your nose and leave your mouth free. Some individuals prefer this type of mask since it does not make them feel too confined. If you are a mouth breather and prefer this type of mask and are a mouth breather, you will be able to add a chinstrap along with a nasal mask. Nasal CPAP masks come in a variety of styles and shapes. The third category is referred to as a nasal pillow system. Nasal pillow systems have become very popular as they are less confining than a mask and typically allows a person to move around more freely when sleeping. A nasal pillow system consist of two small cushion that fit into each nostril. You will have headgear straps that work similar to a nasal mask or full face mask to hold the system securely. There are a variety of different nasal pillow systems available and the cushion range in size depending on the size of your nostrils. It's been a common problem nowadays to have a difficult time falling asleep at night. Even when we eventually fall asleep we can still wake up feeling tired and stressed as if we didn't sleep. With all of the stress and demands that we face daily we are usually worried about work or home life which can rip us from a good night sleep. We need at least six hours of sleep or more (up to seven and a half to eight hours), not getting enough sleep can cause a lot of problems. Things like being irritable, having trouble concentrating or remembering things, seeking snack food to boost blood sugar in an effort to stay awake, caffeine habits, twitching eyes, circles around eye sockets, and muscle soreness and tension are all things that may be related to improper sleep. Not only does this pose serious health risks it can affect your quality of life. Don't worry though, it's never too late!