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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-15)

The key to LumaSlim effectively losing weight is to speed up the metabolism so that it burns more calories while digesting food. As people age, their metabolism slows down and the result is normally weight gain. Eating foods that will increase the metabolism will help you to have more energy and lose weight more effectively.Using protein as a means to speed the metabolism, burn calories, and build muscle has been very effective and is commonly a method that bodybuilders use to maintain their fitness. When protein is absorbed in the body quickly an individual has more energy because their metabolism is speeding up, this absorption rate is called a Biological Value (BV). A protein that is absorbed very quickly into the body will have a higher BV rating and will speed the metabolism more quickly. Whey protein has the highest BV rating of any protein with a rating of between 104-159. It is derived from milk protein but does not contain lactose, sugar or fat. It digests very quickly, in about 30 minutes, and will make you feel full longer than other foods. If you are not a breakfast person, starting your day off with a low calorie protein shake that has a main ingredient of Whey protein will give you energy, speed your metabolism, and give you the boost that you might have previously gotten from a donut or other type of sugar.