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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-14)

And the key is energy. Appcoiner Review Wilma Rudolph had that energy to mold her potential to create a successful athletic career and become a famous advocate for civil rights and women's rights. She had that special mindset, and knew how to conserve her energy, which in turn created tremendous personal power that was channeled to her goals and high level of success.What is duplicate content? When something is not considered duplicate, does that mean it's unique? Is original content the same as unique. For me at least, these were some very confusing concepts.First of all, the term duplicate content is HUGELY misunderstood. For instance, most people believe that if they submit an article to an article directory, and then to a newsletter, then to a blog, this would be considered duplicate content, but it's not. DUPLICATE content is when you have the SAME article on the SAME website, on a different page. For instance if you submitted the same article to the same site, maybe after changing the title, this WOULD be considered duplicate content because it's listed on the same site more than once. Why would people do this? Well for the obvious reason, more back linking and less work, but also to fool Google into thinking that their site is bigger than it really is.Now, please, DO NOT get duplicate content confused with unique content. They are entirely different. UNIQUE content means that the content can not be found anywhere else on the web, and that it was created uniquely for them. You will find a lot of sites that will request only 100% unique content for submission. Now, of course you're thinking, wait a minute, was hasn't been done already, what hasn't already been explained or written about? That's not necessarily the point of unique content. It is taking a concept or an idea, that has or has not already been explained, and putting your own unique twist on it. Make it more interesting, make it funny, make it controversial, do whatever you have to do to make it stand out. I for one, hate combing through the crap when I'm trying to find an answer to something. Don't B.S. to try and make 300 or 500 words, you'll lose your reader. Get to the point. Email is a good way to stay in touch with customers because when people come online, one of the first thing they do is check their emails. Email list is still the most valuable asset online. No wonder email volumes continue to grow. EMarketer study found that e-mail volume in the US will rise to nearly 2.7 trillion by 2007.