Reader Comments

Text Chemistry

by princy william (2019-05-10)

From his slow actions, the type Text Chemistry Review of ring he gave you and the way he has done things, it does not appear that he really loves you. I think you sense that but fear losing him too, so you blame him for your disappointment instead of leaving him to his life. We can never change anyone in their behavior. We can only change ourself. I think you might have a decision to make so please stop right there and start again, perhaps in this suggested way. Ask yourself what it is that you want from this guy, not just what HE wants, but what suits you. It is not about him. It's about you to begin with. If you really care about him, then decide how you wish to be treated. If you seem to be interested in being treated less than the best, that's how he will continue to treat you because all you do is reinforce his actions when you accept them without complaint. You have to set the the boundaries and the standards and those boundaries should have nothing to do with the past or anyone else, but only to do with you both. Currently you are just noticing his actions but not noticing the negative way you are acting too. Talk to him about the future and, if he still seems reluctant, get out of there. Start believing in you, loving yourself, and deciding what you really want and the right person will come along for you... as night follows day. But you have to know what you want and seek it. Love is unconditional. It is not dependent upon one person doing anything in particular, and it certainly does not depend upon expensive things or whatever. It depends on what comes from the heart, especially when both parties share commitment, respect and love. It seems that both of you are a little superficial just now and need to go back to the basics of what you really mean to each other, if at all, before you can really talk of a future. This is a tough question to answer and there is no clear cut time table as to when a couple should move in together. One of the most important factors to consider is the amount of time you have been dating. You probably shouldn't move in with someone after 3 months or less of dating; there's still that "getting to know each other" period. So even though you may want to wake up next to the person - don't start sharing bills right away. If you want to do the sleepover on weekends as a trial, that's perfectly alright; just don't make the commitment to move together that soon.