Reader Comments

Teds Woodworking

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-05-09)

The most successful Ted’s Woodworking Review people in America today watch very little TV and the least successful, watch the most TV. Do you think that's a coincidence? By the way, just so you don't think that excuses are limited to TV let me throw our a few other "here's why I can't start a business" excuses. I don't have the money! Do you smoke? Do you like Starbucks? Do you have breakfast, lunch or dinner at restaurants? Excuses are like armpits, everybody has them, and they all stink! You don't have to smoke, drink, go to Starbucks or eat out. If you are really broke you probably don't need to spend your money doing those things anyway Successful people are always willing to do what unsuccessful people are never willing to do. If you want to become successful in any MLM or any home based business you've got to change your behavior. Stop acting like an employee and start living like a business owner. It's not an easy transition for most of us since we've been employees all of our lives, and it's OK. If you won't make the transition you are destined to work for somebody else and make somebody else rich for the rest of your life. If that's all you want for you and your family, that's fine, but as for me and my house, that's not good enough for us.