Reader Comments

Total Trim 11

by princy william (2019-05-07)

The next step is to learn Total Trim 11 Review the nutrient values for those foods that you have been consuming - I personally have a spreadsheet that charts all this out, and am able to know approximately how much I take in on a daily basis in terms of calories, protein, carbs, and fat. Obsessive? Maybe, but it helped me to actually gain more mass than ever before even with c*** genetics! You also need to learn how to replace the not so good that you may be eating with more wholesome and nutritious items, such replacing fried chicken with grilled, and regular fast food burgers with those you would make yourself with lean meats and extra veggies. I'm sure that the many diet books you have with you would be able to help you there eh! :) The next step in the equation would be some sort of exercise. One workout that is in vogue, and for good reason too, is Turbulence Training, which involves short, bodyweight or similar workouts around thrice a week and can be done basically at home as well as out on the road. Certainly beats pounding the pavement jogging or walking for hours to get the same benefit. Once your dietary intake and exercise program are in order, work on your mental prep. One of the most important things for one wishing to make lifestyle changes that will enhance fat loss is to realize that what you are now beginning is NOT a diet program or exercise program that will end once you've achieved some arbitrary goal. It is a lifestyle change that you will need to maintain until it becomes second nature in order to continue to progress beyond whatever goals you set for yourself. Often belly fat is the first one we look at when we begin to think about our weight. After all, what else screams physical fitness and sex appeal better than a set of ripped, cut, washboard abs?! I mean, it's hard to think of someone as unattractive when they're sporting a hard six-pack eh! So, what can you do to get your own set on display? Let's see... First of all, EVERYONE has abs! That's right. Even you, regardless of the fact that you've never seen yours for the last 15 odd years! But they're there all the same. Of course, they may be hidden under a layer or 5 of blubber/cellulite/fat ...whatever you want to call that stuff sitting on your abs covering the glory of a ripped midsection.