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by gold stone (2019-05-07)

Cramps occur because of muscles Curafen Review contracting. The muscles in your legs are part of the skeletal muscle system, which generally contracts at the command of the brain, hence they are called voluntary muscles.Sometimes, however, skeletal muscles also act involuntarily. For example, with the diaphragmatic and intercostal (between the ribs) breathing muscles, we can inhale, exhale and hold our breath voluntarily, and breathe involuntarily. Similarly, there are times when voluntary leg muscles can contract involuntarily, as you are experiencing.Skeletal muscles consist of large fibers drat can be up to 12 inches long. Muscles carry out heavy duty work so they are equipped with specific cellular power stations called nuclei and mitochondria which are capable of converting glucose into energy very rapidly.The contraction of muscles is a complicated procedure: muscle fiber squeeze together because protein fibers lock into each other, rather like comb slotted together. When the protein fibers unlock the muscle fibers relax and lengthen.Excessive muscle contraction, as in sports training triggers the muscles to demand more oxygen than the body can supply through breathing. This oxygen deficit causes the formation of lactic acid, a by-product of when glucose molecules are only partially burnt off. Lactic acid is a major cause of cramps.Calcium is also a factor as muscles need it to contract. If there is a shortage, the muscle goes into spasm and cramps up to avoid losing it. So people suffering from osteoporosis may suffer, as may vegans and vegetarians whose bodies can't absorb calcium because of the lack of vitamin D from animal fats in their diet. Lack of sunlight which is vital for our bodies to synthesis vitamin D, is another factor. Also, if you are chronically constipated, the colon can' readily absorb calcium. This causes cramps in the leg muscles at night when the circulation of blood is sluggish. Being dehydrated (often a cause of constipation) is another risk factor for cramp as are excessive sweating and severe diarrhea.Poor blood circulation may be the villain. Very active people who suddenly have to give up exercising perhaps because of an accident may experience painful cramps. This is due to muscular atrophy (wasting), where fibrous scar tissue grows around the previously active muscles, resulting in decreased blood flow.