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Ketogenic Accelerator

by princy william (2019-05-02)

An exercise program over the Ketogenic Accelerator Review last 20 odd years typically consisted of 'cardio' type activity and maybe some stretching or flexibility exercises. Strength training exercise particularly for women had little to no emphasis placed on it. But today that has changed and strength training is as popular for women as it has always been for men. What is behind this shift you say? First, we have recognized that the health and condition of our muscular system is paramount to our overall health and wellness. As our body weight is made of 50 percent of our muscle tissue any loss of this sends our health into a downward spiral.We now recognize the close link between all of our bodies systems including our immune system as they are closely interwoven with our highly active muscle tissue being the engine of the human body. It is what drives our metabolism and the rate we burn fuel. Without enough proper strength training exercise around half a pound of muscle tissue is lost each year and this rate doubles after the age of fifty. The way we used to exercise with long slow endurance type activity will not hold off this muscle loss and certainly never ever rebuild it if it has been lost through disuse.It is no longer enough to do just 'cardio' activity or to just stretch our muscles. The strength of the muscles must be considered as well if we are to hold off the loss of muscle tissue that ages us prematurely and makes us susceptible to disease. There are a multitude of additional health benefits that come with a proper strength training program along with a firm, toned and lean body, such as enhanced strength and power to help us breeze through our everyday tasks and activities.Another major benefit that not many people realize is that strong muscles mean a strong healthy immune system. Fuel for the immune system is stored in muscle tissue to produce anti-bodies and killer white blood cells that are our amour and defense against the epidemic of chronic lifestyle diseases rife in our modern inactive world. If muscles are allowed to weaken and become soft and flabby the immune system becomes impaired and cannot do its job properly to fight everything from a sniffle to an invading foreigner to cancer.It is a common fallacy that 'cardio' activity tones and firms muscles. In reality, strength gains are insignificant and little to zero toning and firming is accomplished. Any repetitive low intensity activity whether an open floor, jogging, cycling, swimming or 'cardio' gym equipment does not provide the progressive resistance necessary to develop meaningful strength along with its health benefits.