Reader Comments

Cerisea Medica

by princy william (2019-04-29)

There are many reasons and Cerisea Medica Review factors that make up a doctors' opinion, including diagnostic test results, levels of pain, your insurance status, etc. but there's no reason not to get a second opinion. In fact, there are places online that let you ask a doctor his opinion and even evaluate your needs. They are free and carry no obligation and are performed by highly-trained specialists - not some Internet call center staffed with inexperienced and uneducated folks. Get a second opinion!If I postpone surgery I can probably find some alternative health option that won't involve a costly operation.Sure, there are alternative methods of controlling the pain, such as stretching exercises like Yoga and treatments such as acupuncture. These are great ways of providing improved flexibility and minimizing the pain, but they are not going to allow you the same way of life you once had, and they are not going to completely rid you of the pain. If you need a hip or knee replacement surgery, then that's what you need.Joint replacement surgery is expensive and I'm under-insured or don't have insurance.Having a hip or knee replacement surgery in the U.S. is quite costly without insurance. In fact, the cost of the surgery alone can top $50,000 or more, but with international orthopedic surgery options now available this is no longer a valid excuse. In New Zealand, you can get the surgery, the travel costs, the post-surgery hotel and all rehabilitation needs all for usually less than half this cost! And the facilities in New Zealand are state-of-the-art and doctors all English-speaking and highly trained (many in the US).Overseas medical or health tourism is scary!There are destinations that can be out of the comfort zone for many American travelers - not just those seeking safe, quality surgical care. New Zealand, however, is a destination that many travelers put on their top 5 lists of places to see, and to experience it along with getting the surgery you need is simply a double-benefit. The hospital facilities are top-notch. The doctors and specialists are all highly trained. It's considered one of the safest and cleanest countries in the world, and the joint replacement surgery is affordable. What more could you want?