Reader Comments

Zenith Labs Probiotic T 50

by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-04-24)

Natural horse Zenith Labs Probiotic T 50 Review supplements can be very helpful in augmenting the nutritional needs of the horse. There are chemical or inorganic supplements that work faster than the natural sources but they can be harmful in the long run. Sustained used of supplements made from chemical sources can cause maladies potentially worse than the deficiency they are intended to treat. This might be true or not but the inclination at present time is to go natural: Not only natural but organic. Sea products, vegetables, roots, exotic plants, insect by products, plant and tree extracts have come to claim their rightful place in the field of natural medicine. Since the production of these products depends upon the availability of the resources these may come out more expensive in the end.There is a guarded atmosphere as to the result or effectiveness of the natural supplements. The natural supplements have some discernible effect on humans but this is still under scrutiny. If there are scientific journal published on behalf of favorable results concerning natural supplements in humans I am not aware of any, and I suspect there are none for horses either. The body mass of the horses are greater than humans and the trace elements of natural supplements might not be enough to make an impression on the horse's entire physique.