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by ss Daniel Kamesh kamesh (2019-04-23)

Mr. Jobs was Individualogist Review a rebel very on in life who had a taste for misbehavior, but also was fascinated with electronics. His cultural horizons were broadened with the hippie lifestyle generation and dabbling in Zen eastern spiritualism. He even once traveled to India wearing nothing but rags as he blended in with that country's teeming population. Coming back to California, he teemed up with Steve Wozniak in a business venture that built and sold "blue boxes" to make free long distance phone calls for users. It was in 1976 that Jobs with Wozniak began a computer business for hobbyists that they named: Apple Computer.It was in showmanship and presentation that Mr. Jobs truly excelled. Using stage props, slides and an inspired script, he blew away audiences time and time again with his product launches. He became the envy of every Hollywood studio and shocking the corporate world with their entrenched business advertising models. The concept behind these presentations were simple slide shows but with very high impact visuals. Powerful in its efficiency and commanding attention, the imagery had even less words than a power point slide, but it had explosive mass marketing appeal. Making it 'more alive' as Jobs would like to say, required considerable practice and orchestration beforehand.