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No BS Manifesting Course

by princy william (2019-04-20)

Perseverance is something that is No BS Manifesting Course Review not acquired. It is something within you that you have to bring out. Perseverance is not handed out. It is something that you have to discover, hone and use. No one has ever discovered success by giving up. A winner is not a quitter. When everything else seem to go against you, when the tide has gone high, all you can hold on to is the will to go on. By not giving up, by seeing through the good despite the countless bad and by getting up after every downfall is how to succeed despite the odds.So, here we are once again embarking on an adventure. We are holding hands and frolicking down that street. You know that street, right? The street is called Stepping Stone ST... Most who know me know I detest taking a step back. I do not believe in the theory of taking a step back to take 10 forward. That's only 9 steps people. I'll take the genuine 10 any day. Let me jump off of this soap box and jump on a larger one...See I took a step forward. We now venture into the land of what's over that fence? Is the grass greener? Are we going to work less for more pay? Is Salma Hayek going to call me and ask me out? I'd have to unfortunately give the unanimous answer of "NO!" on all counts. I do have good news for some... Knowing my slogan "it only get's worse!" ticks off the weaklings; The strong ones see this as opportunity to succeed. We live in a pessimistic society for the sky is falling my friends.I see opportunities all over the place. Stepping Stone St. is a great street to live on. It means you are always thinking down this road. You see everything as opportunity to grow. The number two rule of Jim E Jism is "if you don't like where you are... don't be there!" It really is that simple. On this street Opportunity Avenue runs perpendicular every block. Parallel to Stepping Stone is Victim St. I will never travel that route. There is a cul de sac called Mediocre Meadows that sits between the two fore mentioned corridors. It's comfy and loquacious. But there is only one way in and out of that place. Give me liberty of give me tranquility? I think not.I challenge everyone reading this to go that extra step and seek fortune and glory. If your a minister then touch some souls. If you are shoe salesman... well do the same thing. I love it on this road/street whatever you want to call it. I dare you not to settle. I implore you to find your expertise and do what you do with the mind set that you can teach others who are worthy to live up to your standard.