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Arctic Blast

by Ssregina Regina (2019-04-05)

Inversion ankle sprains are common injuries Arctic Blast Review that tend to heal well on their own, generally resolving with only residual symptoms after one month. Unfortunately these injuries have a nearly 80% recurrence rate. Further, depending on the activity level of the patient, it may be critical to speed this regular recovery interval. According to some reports, these injuries are known to respond well to conservative treatments including manual therapy. Early active ankle mobility exercises are well studied and generally quite successful in the treatment and rehabilitation of inversion ankle sprains. The authors contend that combining manual therapy and active ankle mobility exercises could have additional benefits to those who have encountered an acute ankle sprain. Thus they sought to develop a clinical prediction rule to identify those patients with inversion ankle sprains who might benefit the most from these combined interventions.Pertinent Results:75% of patients in the study had a successful outcome using the study protocol (see Study Methods below for definition of a successful outcome), 55% of those with treatment success had it at the time of their 2nd visit, with the remainder having success at their 3rd visit. There were no adverse events. Scores on the ankle specific functional and mobility outcome measures employed found that the group that had successful outcome from treatment had a significantly greater degree of improvement than the group that did not have success with the treatment, although this was not the case for pain scores.Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PPS) is one of the most common causes of knee pain in athletes, weekend warriors, and the general population. PPS normally presents as anterior or retropatellar knee pain (in and around the kneecap) that is aggravated by activities such as prolonged sitting, stair climbing, squatting, running, kneeling, and jumping. Non-operative treatment remains the standard approach for managing this condition.