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High Performance Leadership

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-04-03)

According to the modern standard Hawaiian High Performance Leadership Review dictionary kahuna is a "priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, and expert in any profession (whether male or female). Under the 1845 law of the Hawaiian kingdom doctors and surgeons were called kahuna as were foreigners who were recognized experts in their fields. Kahunas were further identified by their particular expertise. For example a physician would be called a "kahuna lapa'au," a priest "kahuna pule," or an expert surfer a "kahuna nui he'e nalu." Kahunas are balanced between the spiritual and material aspects of their expertise and can be experts in many fields. In essence we are all kahunas with expertise that I define as a combination of our unique strengths, gifts, talents and abilities. The "prayer of a kahuna" is our thought and dreams, our deepest most cherished desires, the good that we want to accomplish in the world. We speak our dreams to God and the universe and to our hearts and minds. Often when we speak these dreams or pray we don't see immediate results. Sometimes we get discouraged and think that our prayer has not been heard. But the dream or prayer has to not only be spoken but also eaten or consumed by your mind, body, and soul first. Once inside it becomes part of our being and waits for us to develop a plan, to take the baby steps to begin. The dream worm then begins to wriggle inside, to take root, to stir passion, and then at the right time manifest in the outside world. The dream worm has aerated and removed the dirt that has kept us stuck. It has allowed the living water to come in and nourish. We wake up one day and our prayer has been answered. I am a perfect example of the dream worm lying "dormant" and "wriggling along." Two years ago I wrote in my journal that I wanted to live on the ocean and I listed Hawaii as a possibility. I had only been to Hawaii once about eighteen years ago on a conference. I had always wanted to go back but did not think seriously about living in the islands. I forgot about writing this and put the journal away. Eight months ago I decided I needed change. The perfect opportunity just had not presented itself until suddenly I received an email about an opportunity in Hawaii. Moving to Hawaii would allow me to do all of the things I love; coaching, public speaking, writing, and spend more time with my family. Less than three months after receiving the email I was living in a condo with a magnificent view of the Pacific ocean and driving to work through a breath taking rain forest ala Juraissic Park! And spending more time with my family! After moving I was sorting through my papers and journals and came across the entry about moving to Hawaii. My prayer had lain dormant, but it wriggled along inside me and then out into the universe. My prayer was answered at the right time and in divine time.