Reader Comments

Patriot Power Protein

by Ssregina Regina (2019-04-01)

Substitute treats: When your child Patriot Power Protein Review is going to a birthday party or encountering classroom treats, bring a vegan substitute. Your child will probably want to feel included, and being a vegan most definitely doesn't have to mean being left out of the fun! Each quarter, I give my son's kindergarten teacher a bag full of Alternative Baking Company cookies, Fruit Leather, and crackers. Around Halloween, or other "candy-heavy" holidays, I give her some extra treats (such as Mambas) and let her know how I'd like my son to deal with getting non-vegan candy. (If his teacher is unsure about whether a treat is vegan, she usually sends it home in my son's backpack and lets us decide.) Work with your child's teacher to find a system that works for you. Most teachers will be willing to work with you. Also, when you're going to family parties, bring fun snacks and treats that your child will be excited about. This doesn't always work out perfectly, but with a little extra planning and effort, eating socially with non-vegans doesn't have to be awkward, and it doesn't have to make your child feel deprived.Complain with composure, and know your facts: If teachers or grandparents give your child a non-vegan treat, your first reaction can be anger. I've been in that position before, and it's a natural reaction; however, explaining to the person how important veganism is to you and your family can be helpful. For many people, being vegan is about more than a diet. It often encompasses spiritual beliefs and personal ethics, and these things deserve respect in any situation. In the case that you've explained that, and a teacher has been repeatedly unwilling to work with you, take your complaint to the principal. Most problems can be resolved with more understanding. Keep in mind that veganism isn't well understood by everyone, and some people will even think you are harming your child by feeding them a vegan diet. In this case, information is your best asset. The more evidence you are able to provide skeptical grandparents or teachers on the benefits of vegan living, the better.