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by Ssregina Regina (2019-06-01)

WorkoutsLight exercise everyday will help you control Turmaslim Review your weight. Walk, run and take bike rides; avoid other vehicles. Take up the household chores. Use stairs instead of opting for the easy elevators. Make a fantastic garden. Practice workouts at home; avoid spending money on gym are some myths about losing weight, some of them are true and some are false since they don't have scientific proof. Some myths lead us in the wrong way so they need to be studied carefully and if proven scientifically then followed. Some food like celery, grapefruit and cabbage soup burns the fat in the body and helps in the loss of weight. The fact is fat can not be burned by any vegetable or fruit. Since the citrus fruits contain a lot of water and certain foods contain fiber they are said to help to lose weight. When a lot of liquid is ingested appetite is lost due to the water intake and hence less food will be eaten which results in weight loss. Anybody can lose weight eating whatever they want. This is true if the entire food intake is burnt by doing exercises. The excess energy in the body is stored in the liver as glycogen and if it is not used further it is converted into fat. By eating a lot without doing exercise the weight will only increase depending on the type of food eaten. Non fat or low fat means no calories. It is not true that non fat or no fat contains no calories. Apart from fat, carbohydrates and protein have calories and provide energy. Excess energy in the body is stored in the liver as glycogen and if not used is converted into fat and this is also true for proteins and carbohydrates. Skipping meals is an excellent way to lose weight. It is not true since skipping food is like starving. Starvation leads to feeling hungrier while eating. So more food will be consumed while eating after a long time of starvation and hence weight increases.