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by princy william (2019-05-31)

The secret to working with and RestUp Review getting the most out of your other-than-conscious mind is to understand how it works, and by doing that you can learn to move beyond the functions of this part of your mind that may serve to limit you and more fully tap into the functions that bring creativity, insight and genius. The robot that cannot operate outside of its programmed parameters will accept new programming, if you know how to provide it. This is best done using hypnosis, self hypnosis and/or meditation as tools, because programming that resides in the subconscious mind requires access to the subconscious to change it. Change the programming, create new beliefs that enable you to reach your true potential, and then keep the channels to your inner genius open through a practice of self hypnosis and/or meditation, and use these tools to learn to listen to the language of your inner mind. Wake up! We are all living in a trance, or multiple situation-specific trances, all of our lives. Many of these trances aren't beneficial in our lives. They hold us back, keep us stuck in little worlds of our own creation. Yes, you are living your life in a trance. How can I make this statement? Easy. We are born into this world with a personality, yes, but without beliefs. A belief is "the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true," or "Mental acceptance of a claim as truth; Something believed," (definitions from The psychological state in which mental acceptance happens is the state of trance, or hypnosis. In trance or hypnosis, the critical factor of the mind is bypassed, or pushed aside, so that the information or message units presented to the mind are accepted. During the childhood years, the critical factor of the mind is undeveloped and therefore a great majority of your beliefs are formed during childhood. The values and behaviors that you see around you, or are told about by parents, siblings, teachers and peers are accepted much more easily and rapidly.