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Cinderella Solution

by Ssregina Regina (2019-05-31)

During my research of how I could get rid of Cinderella Solution Review my own awful cellulite, I found that the real way to cure my problem was to get to the root of it. First of all, cellulite is not caused by being overweight. People of all sizes, shapes, age and weight can have the appearance of cellulite. It is my understanding that the causes of cellulite are a combination of a variety of things, all of which lead to clumps of fat cells pushing up against the tissue just underneath the skin's surface. Being overweight can certainly make the cellulite more defined and easier to see, but it is not the cause.Genetics are a huge factor in the appearance of cellulite. Some people are just predisposed to cellulite due to more fat cells, weaker veins, hormonal sensitivity and poor circulation. Lifestyles that promote the build up of fat are definitely a reason behind the causes of cellulite. Living a sedentary lifestyle without a proper diet and exercise plan and smoking will lead to an increase in the condition. Hormonal changes can play a part as one of the causes of cellulite build up, mainly for women. Estrogen plays a key role in determining the number and location of fat cells in the body and encourages these fat cells to build up on the legs, thighs, butt and stomach.Getting to the bottom of the problem and finding out what causes cellulite to form was a huge help for me. Knowing that hormone changes and genetics is out of my control left me with the knowledge that my lifestyle is something I can change. I learned how to reduce the appearance of cellulite by following Renee Feldman's guide and creating My Cellulite Cure . You can read more about the causes of cellulite by visiting my lens What Is Cellulite.