Reader Comments

The Lost Ways

by gold stone (2019-05-30)

Other supplies you will need The Lost Ways Review include warm clothing, heat and light, and supplies for cooking and bathing. Consider all your daily activities and think about how you would meet your needs in each situation if you had to leave your home.There are numerous stores which sell emergency supplies. Spend some time in one of these stores to familiarize yourself with the kinds of supplies you might need. This is especially helpful if you have not spent much time camping, and might not realize the need to procure safe drinking water.Emergency preparedness essentially consists of obtaining knowledge and supplies. By working with your family to create a plan, you can develop that knowledge and turn an overwhelming task into a great way to spend time with each other. And by gathering food and other items gradually, you can reduce the financial burden and ensure that you'll have everything you need to take care of your family, rain or shine.Of all the commandments and counsel we receive from our church leaders, none are clearer or more detailed than to be prepared for the future. And yet, none seem to be forgotten so soon after we turn off the TV at the end of conference."The instability in the world today makes it imperative that we take heed of the counsel and prepare for the future. Start now to create a plan if you don't already have one, or update your present plan."Many unforeseen circumstances can make family preparedness essential. From fires, floods, earthquakes and storms to loss of income or health, a prepared family can face uncertainties with more faith and less fear. Who wouldn't want their family to be safe and confident in the face of adversity?Family preparedness can be one of those "someday" things for many LDS members. "When I have a bigger house," "When I make more money," "When I have a family" are just a few of the reasons for procrastinating here. But remember, when you delay following God's commandments and counsel of the prophets you are not only risk unnecessary suffering, but also you won't receive the blessings associated with obedience to God's laws.Time and again we are counseled by the leaders of our church to prepare for the future. Family preparedness can seem insurmountable. It can be one of those things we often don't know how or where to start. As with any large task, start with learning all you can about preparedness. There are many resources available to Latter Day Saint families.