Reader Comments

Text Chemistry

by princy william (2019-05-25)

Was It Cheating or a Lesser Offense? Text Chemistry Review If he cheated on you, you should leave. Regardless of the excuses he piles on or promises that he will never make the same mistake again, allowing a man back into your life who has betrayed your trust with another woman is a mistake. If he was not satisfied in your relationship prior, he will not be in the future. Some men cannot be monogamous and some simply refuse to be. If you take him back, you are basically telling him that you are capable of forgiving his infidelity and thus setting a precedent for the rest of the relationship. Don't blame yourself and don't try to find faults in the relationship that could excuse his behavior. If he cheated on you, he has to go. What Is His Reasoning for Returning? It is a good idea to take into consideration exactly why he wants to be with you again after things didn't work the first time. Did he dump you and then come crawling back? Some guys are just tempted by what is unavailable to them. In these scenarios, you risk a lot by accepting him back into your life. He may get bored again quickly because he has what he wants. However, in some rare instances, ending a relationship prematurely does occur. There is a chance that spending time away from you made him realize that he still loves you -- but in these cases, you absolutely must make him prove his worth! Don't let him off easy simply because you still have feelings for him. Let him put in some effort before you take him back so that you can be sure he is dedicated to the relationship this second time around. Look Deeper: Are You Ready to Forgive? If he has passed the above requirements and you are sincerely considering entering into a relationship with this man for the second time, you must look at yourself. Are you really capable of forgiving what he's done and moving on? You must be realistic and try to address whether or not you can get past his mistake. If you aren't able to, you will end up harboring resentment towards him and damaging the relationship in the future. Be honest with yourself before making this decision. Otherwise, you could risk losing months, even years, of your romantic life only to realize down the road that you can't move on from the initial heartbreak.