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Science Based Green Detox

by princy william (2019-05-24)

It's how salt is processed and the Science Based Green Detox Review source of the salt beds that determines whether or not we end up with salt that is healthy or not. Water and salt is crucial for optimum survival but when we heat (up to 1200 degrees) and bleach the salt, we wash away necessary minerals and micro-nutrients. What we have left is dry sodium chloride, also known as table salt. It's white and looks pretty but really from a health stand-point, there is not much left that the body can utilize. Salt manufacturers will tell you they are just taking out the impurities, but, those impurities are vital nutrients the body needs. Pure unrefined salt and water detoxifies the body from harmful bacteria and helps to maintain alkaline/acidity in the body. According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, too much table salt can over work the kidneys and upset the delicate balance of sodium, potassium and other minerals for proper cell metabolism. Too much table salt can cause water retention. When you gain an extra pound or two on any given day, even though you may be watching your calorie intake, the most likely culprit is too much processed salt and not enough water. Your body goes into survival mode and will hang onto that water. Too much salt and not enough water long term can cause edema, which is evidenced by the swelling in the ankles, legs or hands. Your body is really telling you that you are very sick. When you consume table salt, it requires a lot of water to break down the sodium chloride crystals into an ionic form where it can be neutralized and eliminated. The water is extracted from the cells in the body to accomplish this. It is the exact opposite of what the body needs and wants to do. The cells of the body need to take in the water for hydration and nourishment. Consuming the table salt can upset the balance of fluids in the body, so much so, that for every gram of table salt we ingest, it can take up to 20 times the fluid out of the cells to metabolize it. The body essentially holds onto all that water and of course we get bloated. This is also one of the causes for cellulite. It is visible evidence that your fluid balance has been upset. Prostate cancer is found to affect many men especially when they cross the age of 50 years. It affects the prostate gland that is present in the reproductive system in males. It causes pain and intercourse problems. Some males have difficulty in urinating.