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Memory Hack

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-05-17)

Since dementia affects a person by essentially killing Memory Hack off neurons, the difference in neuron quantity between the sexes could explain why dementia related issues tend to more severely affect women then men. The fact that men have more neurons to spare could mean that diseases which kill off neurons at roughly the same rate between men and women would impact women to a greater extent because the operations of the brain are shared between fewer cells and the loss of those cells would therefore impact brain function more. More work needs to be done in this area. Women often score higher then men on verbal tests so it is not completely surprising that they might have better word and fact memory on average. Conversely, men seemed to be better at spatial and function oriented memory tasks then women. So it seems that part of the answer to memory differences boils down to what is it that the person is being asked to remember. Gender short term memory differences also seemed to be impacted by the "genderness" of what is the subject of memory. As common sense might tells us and some studies have observed, men and women tend to have better recall of items that have general appeal to that particular sex and less recall if the item seemed to apply to the other gender. This is most likely a result of concentration and time than it is due to biology. People tend to remember better the things that interest them and with which they spend a greater amount of time considering. So the question of how does gender affect short term memory seems to be more complicated than a yes or no answer. Science has identified some real differences both in function and in biology for the brains of each sex. It also seems that since each sex has different perspectives and interests that those things which are the focus of a particular gender also impact how memory is used. The primary intention of consciousness is to fully experience itself. In order to do so it must first experience what it is not. And in order to do so, it creates the relative field of experience. So far so good. So from One blissful undifferentiated form, it becomes many different forms. As it duplicates itself and goes on about its business of experiencing itself, it gradually looses awareness. Bit by bit, experience shifts from being blissful to being less and less blissful until there is an equal amount of negativity and positivity. The downward journey continues and once negativity is dominant we get into suffering. This is starting to sound familiar. The less awareness there is, the more suffering there is. Right? We have all seen friends (dare I say ... sometimes those friends are ourselves...) who consistently get into trouble over and over again for the same reasons. Once they can see the patterns, they can grow out of it. Whenever such situations occur, you can bet this is an acute case of densification. Densification is the process of losing awareness. And, shocking but true, it is meant to be that way! One typical example we can all relate to is anger.