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Mela Luna

by princy william (2019-05-13)

Sleeping is one of the best ways Mela Luna Review wherein an individual could spend time to relax and rest after having a hard day at school, at work or in any stressful situation. That is why, we would always rush in going home so that we may able to relax and find comfort in our bed. But there are instances wherein we find it difficult to go to bed because of some factors like depression, being overwhelmed over something, thinking too many things and being irritable due to the loud snore of our partners. We may think that the loud snore is just normal but it is not. It may indicate that our partner is experiencing a sleeping abnormality commonly known as sleep apnea. It is very important to know what this disease is in order for us to know the necessary measures and for us to be treated promptly if we have the disease. Sleep apnea is a disease wherein there is a temporary cessation of the breathing pattern of an individual. There is a decrease in the normal breathing of an individual especially the overweight individuals since it is difficult for air to pass in air canal due to blockage like fat. The cessation usually lasts for ten seconds or even more. The episode may be repeated constantly making it difficult for us to get a good night's sleep. If this disease is not dealt immediately, it may lead to other serious illnesses like hypertension or worse heart failure. But how do we know if we have sleep apnea? It is usually the partners who bring their loved one to the doctors since they are the ones who can notice the abnormality. The most common among sleep apnea symptoms is loud snoring. Loud snoring indicates that our partners may have the disease. Other sleep apnea symptoms include daytime sleepiness, insomnia, gasping for breath during sleeping, headache and a dry mouth upon waking up in the morning. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea so that we may become alert and seek medical help at an earlier time. Sleep apnea treatment may depend upon the complaints of the client. In order for an individual to be treated with this disease, he should start from doing lifestyle changes. For obese individuals, it is important for them to lose weight that way it will be easy for the air to pass through the air canals.