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Tinnitus 911

by princy william (2019-05-06)

Most cases of tinnitus today Tinnitus 911 Review are at least partly caused by exposure to loud sounds, and as the rate of tinnitus cases continues to increase, the noise damage factor can be expected to keep rising also. There is little reason for wonder. Our culture filled with industry and technology is also filled with a lot of loud noise, yet few seem aware of the hazards of hearing damage or tinnitus. Exposure to loud sound can hurt the inner ears in a couple of ways. In one case, a sudden blast of high decibel sound, as coming from an explosion nearby, can break the stereocilia or hair cells of the cochlea within the inner ear, inducing loss of hearing and tinnitus. Second, prolonged and repeated exposure to loud sounds, such as what is experienced in a machine shop, rock concert, or night club, can also damage stereocilia and cause ear tinnitus, though usually more gradually over time. With extended exposures over time, minus ear protection, tinnitus may begin nearly imperceptibly and intermittently. For instance, after a day at a loud machine shop, one's hearing may seem muted and a low degree of ear ringing may be heard for a couple of hours or more. With repeated exposures to loud sound, the intermittent pattern may continue for months or even years, while the tinnitus gradually becomes more noticeable and longer lasting. Ultimately, the tinnitus grows continuous, and more subjection to high volume noise exacerbates the ear ringing to the point when it intrudes into one's quality of life, often challenging one's capacity to bear with it. Regrettably, the damage done by acoustic trauma can be irreversible, actually killing the stereocilia, the microscopic cells that transform the energy of sound waves into electrical nerve impulses which then go to the brain. Research is underway currently to determine if regeneration can be made possible, but as of now it cannot. When the hearing receptor cells are ruined, the loss is irreversible. When the stereocilia are damaged through prolonged exposure to excessive sound levels, deafness to certain sound frequencies results. The ear ringing experienced, in that case, may be due to distorted signals from particular wavelengths, but no one really understands why yet.