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The Longevity Blueprint

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-04-30)

The most important person to keep commitments to is yourself. The Longevity Blueprint Review If you told yourself you are going to do something then just do it. It'll take the same amount of time to do that something as it will take to do nothing. Do no procrastinate on your goals. Just do it. You will come up on top, you will come up ahead. Success is really simple. It's doing. You have to have massive little actions. Actions have to be taken, everyday that will lead you towards your goals. These actions are all very little, but combined it'll equal a whole lot. It's not the level of action that matters, but the frequency and consistency. Do the little things so you have more ability to do more things. Enjoy it while you are doing it. Don't think about it before hand. Just do it. Keep that commitment to yourself. You are the most important person. Your projects, your priorities goes above everything and everyone else. Those things that you will always do are the things that matters most. For instance, you will always protect your family. You will always love your family. You will always look before you cross the road. Now imagine all the things you could accomplished if you were committed to doing them. If you always exercised for at least 30 minutes a day. If you will do whatever it takes to get a sale everyday. If you will talk to 10 prospects everyday. If you would kiss your daughter on the forehead everyday. If you will tell your wife you love her everyday. It's the things that we do everyday that matters. We are judge on consistent actions. Do the things that you commit yourself into doing. Then you will be able to do more things. How do you handle your disappointments? If you have children, how do you teach them to handle disappointment? I had a disappointment on Friday, November 9th, 2007. I am a Toastmaster and I had made plans to attend the District 13 Fall Conference in State College Pennsylvania. It did not happen.