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by princy william (2019-04-27)

Probably you have heard enough HydraLyft Review about the word ring worm since this is a common skin disease among many individuals young and old, men and women alike. This type of skin disease is very annoying and irritating, because of its extreme itchiness in the skin. It can be found in many areas of the body not only on the skin but also on the scalp, groin, feet and on the bearded area of the neck and face. The medical term of ring worm on the bearded area is Tinea Barbae; that causes so much itching and swelling, because of the fungi reacting unto your skin. Mostly men have this kind of experience when they have their regular hair cut session.When you have barber's itch or Tinea Barbae it can cause your hair to break off in the neck and face portion and you will notice a small pimple like appearance that is reddish in color and is itchy. Once you scratched the small pimple eventually the skin will eventually get irritated and a crusty circular shape will form. Some thought of barber's itch as found only on the bearded area, but it can also be found on the groin part and in the genitals. Barber's Itch is also termed as Folliculitis.It is therefore important to apply immediate treatment unto the skin with anti fungal creams or lotions prescribed by your doctor and you may also opt for hot compress applications on the affected area to ease the itching and irritation. Topical antibiotics can give immediate relief such as an anti-fungal cream named mupirocin. Just continue on applying the cream correctly as per advice of your dermatologist. More importantly make yourself as clean as possible and maintain proper hygiene as well.