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Cardio Clear 7

by Alisa lisa Sophia (2019-04-05)

The study focused on a group of 4,948 men and women Cardio Clear 7 Review aged over 40 years who were followed for around 12 years. The study found that women who experienced depression in some form were around 70% more likely to develop heart disease than women who experienced no depression over that period. Depressed men on the over hand did not appear to be any more likely to develop heart disease than those men who were not depressed. The study backs up the findings of similar studies in the past that have found depression is strongly linked to heart problems. It is believed that cortisol, which is a stress hormone, is found in higher levels in stressed individuals. High cortisol levels are believed to have many negative effects on the body such as increased blood pressure, impaired insulin sensitivity, and increased fat levels around the belly area. It is also possible that depressed people are less likely to care about their health and therefore might engage in poor lifestyle choices such as poor eating habits, smoking, drinking, and a lack of physical exercise. While this particular study did not find a direct link between depression and heart disease in men, other studies have found evidence of a relationship. One study, published in the British Medical Journal in 1998, found that men who had been diagnosed with depression were three times more likely to develop heart disease. Medical professionals and researchers do advice people to keep up their level of the so-called good cholesterol in order to reduce the risk of heart attack or disease. But it has now been discovered that high level of good cholesterol may also prevent a decline in memory as reported by a new study. Then what is cholesterol? Cholesterol can be defined as a chemical substance found in fat, blood, and other cells in your body, which doctors think may cause heart disease. Most of the cholesterol in the body is synthesized by the body and some has dietary origin. Cholesterol is found in animals fats and major dietary sources of cholesterol include egg yolks, beef, poultry, and shrimp. Plant cholesterol products are flax seed and peanut. Researchers found that people with more high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level, know as HDL, did better on memory tests than people with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level. The study which was led by Archana Singh-Manoux, appears in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, an American Heart Association journal. The researchers carried out a check on the cholesterol level of more than 3,600 British civil servants and gave them simple memory tests at an average age of 55 and again at 61. The simple test involves reading out load a list of 20 words to the volunteers and then asking them to write down as many as they could remember within two minutes.