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Res-Q Actiflex supplement

by grace william (2019-01-21)

Joint pain may also be caused by pain felt along the course of a nerve. This is called 'referred pain'. For example, a problem in your hip may cause you to also feel pain in your knee. Nerve pain also occurs when a 'slipped disc' in your back causes pain in your leg (called sciatica after the sciatic nerve which is often the one being squashed by the out-of-place disc). The following is a list of the most common causes of joint pain. There are many more less common causes that your doctor may need to consider. See the links for more information about each condition that can cause joint pain. The list separates conditions usually affecting one joint from conditions affecting more than one joint for each age group. However, it isn't as simple as this as the two lists overlap. Sometimes conditions usually affecting one joint may affect a few different joints. Conditions usually affecting many joints may sometimes cause pain in just one joint, especially at the beginning of any underlying illness.