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The 2 Week Diet Review

by grace william (2018-10-30)

The 2 Week Diet is divided into different manuals each covering a topic concerning weight loss together with an introduction manual. This manual breaks down the idea behind the 2 Week program, showing how it works and also helps clear out some tricky diet concepts such as metabolism and the food pyramid.  Introduction manual forms a significant fraction of the program, in that it comprises 4 phases, each phase being a week long hence the title, 2 Week Diet Program. Once you commence, the program will guide you on what to take each day, how much to eat, and also when to eat. It specifically lists down the food type to consume in order to maximize your body’s fat burning potential. It also has a list of foods to be avoided; ones that inhibit the fat burning process. This plan guarantees that within a week, you should realize a weight loss of up to 10 pounds.