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Diva Trim Keto Shark Tank Reviews-Ancient...
Professor Ames Dhai
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Diva Trim Keto Shark Tank Reviews-Ancient recipe with garlic for various cures
by fiona basil (2021-03-25)
The medicinal properties of garlic can be useful to treat a great series of health problems, and in this ancient recipe you can put it into practice.
The therapeutic properties of garlic have been known in many cultures for centuries, and many cultures use alcohol to make herbal liqueurs, tinctures, and medicinal wines.
The Chinese have used therapeutic liquors for centuries; so did Hildegard von Bingen in medieval Europe. To this day, Chinese pharmacies in Hong Kong and everywhere where traditional Chinese medicine is practiced, sell therapeutic liquors.
The benefits of garlic for various cures
For thousands of years’ garlic has been used not only in cooking, but also as a medicine. Our ancestors discovered the potential of garlic to kill germs and used it as a medicine to cure various infections, including typhus, dysentery, flu, and cholera.
Modern research confirms what the ancients knew about for centuries. Furthermore, scientists have also found that garlic can also prevent cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure.
The following is a garlic recipe that is estimated to be approximately 5,000 years old. It is a therapeutic liquor with garlic that is taken under a specific dose.
How to prepare the garlic recipe?
Pour 220-250 grams of 95-96 ° alcohol, rum or other spirits on top.
Warning: Alcohol should not contain substances such as methanol or benzalkonium chloride.
After those days, the liquid is ready for use. The drops are best taken with water or milk before having a meal.
See the schedule of how many drops should be taken within how many days.
It ends when 25 drops are taken three times a day. This therapy can be used only once every 5 years.
Benefits of therapeutic liquor with garlic
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